Firebase Terms & Assigning a DPO for your projects

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Hi Sangyong,
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be coming into effect on May 25th, 2018. We emailed you before about the changes we have made to our Terms of Service, and wanted to follow up with a note reminding you to specify a Data Processing Officer (DPO) or EU Representative in the Firebase Console for all of your projects.
We also wanted to let you know about a change to the Google Analytics for Firebase data sharing settings. These are moving from being specified per-app, to being specified once for all apps in the entire project. You can find the control in the new "Settings" control in the Analytics section of the console.
More information regarding Firebase and the GDPR is available on our new Privacy and Security page, where you can find useful answers for your own compliance work.
Happy coding!
Firebase Team
You have received this mandatory service announcement to update you about important changes to Firebase or your account.
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