Apteligent Acquisition Announcement

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Hi Sangyong,

I’m happy to announce that we have reached an agreement to be acquired by VMware.

Six years ago, we started with a simple premise -- mobile teams need better tools to understand and diagnose user experience. Over time, our capabilities expanded into the best-in-class mobile app performance monitoring platform. We took our Crash Reporting and Network Insights and applied them to user behavior. Our User Flows allow teams to analyze why behavior changes and negatively impacts user experience.

After our name change from Crittercism to Apteligent, we doubled down on the enterprise, ensuring we met the needs of mission critical and revenue critical mobile teams across all industries. Those enterprises deploying employee and consumer facing applications face an extremely complicated set of hardware, software, and connectivity challenges. Most of all, as their business becomes reliant on mobile technologies, they need visibility into how app performance impacts key business metrics.

Apteligent further reinforces VMware’s commitment to deliver the technical innovations necessary to enable the next generation Digital Workspace with analytics driven user experience, intelligence-based decision automation, and highly scalable mobile-first cross-cloud enterprise solutions.

Apteligent’s capabilities are uniquely positioned to solve these challenges. Our data unifies silos across IT, marketing, and line of business. We have the capability to model and predict how app performance impacts revenue, churn, and engagement. Apteligent’s focus on data insights and actionable, intelligent recommendations accelerates digital transformation for the enterprise.

On a personal note, this would not have been possible without our amazing team. I’d like to take some time to recognize this group of individuals that push the boundaries of big data and enterprise mobility. Thank you for being so dedicated to each other, our product, and our customers. I’d also like to thank our hundreds of enterprise customers. We will not only support you going forward, but have big plans to expand the platform in the future.

VMware is a long-time investor and partner of Apteligent and we’ve been thoroughly impressed with the AirWatch and End User Computing teams. We’re excited to continue the journey with them, and we’re looking forward to revealing the details of our integration soon.

For more information, see this blog post from VMware’s Sumit Dhawan, Senior VP and GM, End-User Computing, as well as this blog post from Shekar Ayyar, VMWare’s Executive VP, Strategy and Corporate Development.

Take care,
Andrew Levy & Robert Kwok
Co-Founders, Apteligent

© 2015 Crittercism, Inc | 760 Market Street, Suite 1100 San Francisco CA



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Hi Sangyong,

I’m happy to announce that we have reached an agreement to be acquired by VMware.

Six years ago, we started with a simple premise -- mobile teams need better tools to understand and diagnose user experience. Over time, our capabilities expanded into the best-in-class mobile app performance monitoring platform. We took our Crash Reporting and Network Insights and applied them to user behavior. Our User Flows allow teams to analyze why behavior changes and negatively impacts user experience.

After our name change from Crittercism to Apteligent, we doubled down on the enterprise, ensuring we met the needs of mission critical and revenue critical mobile teams across all industries. Those enterprises deploying employee and consumer facing applications face an extremely complicated set of hardware, software, and connectivity challenges. Most of all, as their business becomes reliant on mobile technologies, they need visibility into how app performance impacts key business metrics.

Apteligent further reinforces VMware’s commitment to deliver the technical innovations necessary to enable the next generation Digital Workspace with analytics driven user experience, intelligence-based decision automation, and highly scalable mobile-first cross-cloud enterprise solutions.

Apteligent’s capabilities are uniquely positioned to solve these challenges. Our data unifies silos across IT, marketing, and line of business. We have the capability to model and predict how app performance impacts revenue, churn, and engagement. Apteligent’s focus on data insights and actionable, intelligent recommendations accelerates digital transformation for the enterprise.

On a personal note, this would not have been possible without our amazing team. I’d like to take some time to recognize this group of individuals that push the boundaries of big data and enterprise mobility. Thank you for being so dedicated to each other, our product, and our customers. I’d also like to thank our hundreds of enterprise customers. We will not only support you going forward, but have big plans to expand the platform in the future.

VMware is a long-time investor and partner of Apteligent and we’ve been thoroughly impressed with the AirWatch and End User Computing teams. We’re excited to continue the journey with them, and we’re looking forward to revealing the details of our integration soon.

For more information, see this blog post from VMware’s Sumit Dhawan, Senior VP and GM,  End-User Computing, as well as this blog post from Shekar Ayyar, VMWare’s Executive VP,  Strategy and Corporate Development.

Take care,
Andrew Levy & Robert Kwok
Co-Founders, Apteligent

© 2015 Crittercism, Inc | 760 Market Street, Suite 1100 San Francisco CA

