Your unused Realtime Database 'weblog-683a9' will be deactivated in 1 day(s)

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[Firebase] Your unused Realtime Database 'weblog-683a9' will be deactivated in 1 day(s)
We've detected the following issue(s) with your Security Rules:
  • any user can read your entire database
  • any user can write to your entire database
Your Security Rules allow anyone on the internet to read or write to your database. Without strong Security Rules your data is vulnerable to attackers stealing, modifying, or deleting data as well as performing costly operations.

Your database has not received traffic for almost 6 months and has insecure rules; it will be automatically deactivated in 1 days unless your database receives traffic or you update your Security Rules. You won't lose any data, and can restore the database from the console at any time.

If you are not currently using the database, feel free to disregard this email—no action is required on your part. You may be receiving this email if you created your Firebase project in 2017 or prior, and as a result you may have an empty auto-provisioned Realtime Database instance. Again, if you are not currently using the database, feel free to disregard this email.
Pending Deactivation
If you have questions or feel you've received this message in error, please contact Firebase support
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