Product updates | April 14, 2020

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A regular roundup of what’s new across Google Cloud Platform.
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New Google Cloud Platform region in Seoul: GA
To better serve customers in the South Korean market, we’ve launched a new region in Seoul to bring lower latency access to data and applications for both local and global companies doing business in the area.
BigQuery Data Transfer Service: GA
With this service, you can automatically schedule and manage recurring or one-time transfers from Amazon S3 and one-time transfers from Amazon Redshift into BigQuery.
S3 Documentation | Redshift Documentation
Compute Engine – AMD EPYC-based VM family: GA
This new family of virtual machines, built atop 2nd Gen AMD EPYC™ Processors, allow more options for both general-purpose workloads and workloads that require high-memory bandwidth.
Compute Engine – E2 VMs: GA
Our newest cost-optimized machine type, the E2 offers up to 16 vCPUs with up to 8 GB of memory per vCPU. It fits a broad range of workloads, including web serving, business-critical applications, small- to medium-sized databases, and development environments.
Blog | Documentation
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) – Enabling TPUs: beta
This feature allows you to enable or disable Cloud TPU integration on your existing GKE clusters.
Dataflow SQL: beta
You can now use SQL queries to develop and run Dataflow jobs. Merge streams, tables, and files from Pub/Sub, BigQuery, and Cloud Storage. Use the BigQuery web UI for a visual development environment, or you can use the Dataflow SQL command-line interface.
CLI documentation | GUI documentation
Cloud SQL for SQL Server: GA
This release adds the SQL Server database engine to the Cloud SQL fully managed database portfolio, allowing you to migrate your critical production SQL Server workloads to Google Cloud for a 99.95% uptime service-level agreement.
Artifact Registry: beta
Artifact Registry is the evolution of Container Registry. It lets you centrally store artifacts and build dependencies on Google Cloud. It can integrate with your existing environment to let you manage the full artifact life cycle, create multiple regional repositories, control access at the project or repository level, and more.
Anthos Sample Deployment on Google Cloud: GA
Try Anthos on Google Cloud using this test environment, which includes two clusters preconfigured with Anthos features and a sample application. After you complete the sample deployment, an associated tutorial will guide you through using Anthos live on Google Cloud.
Cloud Load Balancing – Cloud IAM Conditions: GA
Restrict user and service accounts from creating external load balancers to limit the number of ways developers can expose endpoints to the public internet. This feature also works with GKE.
Network Intelligence Center – Connectivity Tests: GA
Verify connectivity, and troubleshoot connectivity issues in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network due to misconfiguration, with Connectivity Tests, a static configuration analyzer and diagnostics tool.
Blog | Documentation
Secret Manager: GA
Secret Manager is a secure and convenient storage system for API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data. You can more easily build security into your applications and manage, access, and audit all of your secrets across Google Cloud from one central place.
Product page | Documentation
Identity Platform – multi-factor authentication: beta
You can now configure Identity Platform to require users who attempt to sign in to your application to self-enroll in multi-factor authentication and register a device that is capable of receiving SMS messages.
Blog | Documentation
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