Product updates | December 23, 2019

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A regular roundup of what’s new across Google Cloud Platform.
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Compute Engine – enhanced egress limits on small VM instances: GA
Enjoy increased bandwidth for your small VM instances automatically. We’ve boosted the maximum egress rate for all new and existing VMs with two and four vCPUs to 10 Gbps – with no additional action required from you. Documentation | Release notes
BigQuery Data Transfer Service – service account support: beta
Set up a scheduled query to authenticate with a Google Account associated with your Google Cloud Platform project. The account can then run jobs associated with its own service credentials, rather than an end user’s credentials, such as a scheduled query. Documentation
BigQuery – integer-based range partitioning: beta
Create and use tables partitioned by an integer column in BigQuery. Just specify an integer-based range and the table will be partitioned according to the integer values in that column. Documentation
Cloud Data Fusion: GA
Ingest, cleanse, transform, and integrate data from SAP HANA, Teradata, MongoDB, Salesforce, and more. Choose from a broad library of preconfigured connectors and transformations using a visual point-and-click interface for code-free development of ETL and ELT pipelines. Product page | Documentation
Cloud Bigtable – new region: GA
Cloud Bigtable is now available in the Frankfurt, Germany, (europe-west3) region – and every current GCP region – giving you access to Cloud Bigtable in the region of your choice. Documentation
Cloud SQL – customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK): GA
Secure your sensitive or regulated data with CMEK to manage your own encryption keys for data at rest. With CMEK enabled, Cloud SQL uses the customer key to access data. Documentation | Release notes
Cloud SQL – Access Transparency support: GA
Monitor when GCP admins access your content with near-real-time logs that include data about actions taken by the Google support team in response to support requests, lower-level engineering investigations into support cases, or other actions taken for valid business purposes. Documentation | Release notes
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