Product updates | October 28, 2019

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A regular roundup of what’s new across Google Cloud Platform.
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Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta – API and feature enhancements: GA
Manage and monitor your data preparation jobs programmatically to deliver repeatable data outcomes with the Cloud Dataprep API. And make data preparation more intuitive with new features, including macros, transform by example, and cluster clean. Documentation
Migrate for Anthos: beta
Automatically transform and migrate VM instances – whether on-premises, on Google Cloud Platform, or on other clouds – to containers in Kubernetes Engine. Migrated workloads are fully compatible with GCP services, including Stackdriver, Istio, and Kubernetes solutions in the GCP Marketplace. Product page
Kubernetes Engine – maintenance windows: beta
Maintain greater control over your Kubernetes Engine clusters with the ability to configure the timing of automatic cluster maintenance, such as when auto-upgrades can and cannot occur. Documentation
Kubernetes Engine – access private cluster master from on-premises: beta
Maintain strict security and compliance by enabling native connectivity between your on-premises network and the Google-owned VPC network that hosts the cluster master. Documentation
Cloud Run – labels: beta
Set, modify, and delete labels on your Cloud Run service and revisions. Use labels to filter billing, logs, metrics, and other data to identify resources used by individual owners, teams, or cost centers for cost allocation and billing breakdowns. Documentation
Cloud Run – enhanced error reporting and scaling metrics: beta
Use Stackdriver to track how many instances are actively serving traffic for a service with the new “Billable container instance time” chart, and view top application errors in that service with the “Error Reporting” table. Documentation | Documentation
Cloud Run – unary gRPC support: beta
Deploy gRPC services to Cloud Run – now with support for unary gRPC calls. gRPC is a high-performance, open-source universal RPC framework. Documentation
Compute Engine – N2 general-purpose machine types: GA
Create a wide range of predefined or custom VM instances with our new N2 machine types. Based on 2nd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors, N2 machine types offer up to 80 vCPUs and a total of 640 GB of memory, a base frequency of 2.8 GHz, and a sustained all-core turbo of up to 3.4 GHz. Documentation
Compute Engine – zonal reservations: GA
Ensure your project has resources available for future demand, including traffic spikes, large migrations, backup and disaster recovery, and planned growth. Reserve resources including vCPUs, local SSDs, and GPUs in a specific zone – and add committed use discounts for more savings. Documentation
Resource Manager – new organization policy constraints: GA
Manage and secure service accounts within your organization more efficiently with two new policy constraints that enable you to restrict service account usage: Disable Service Account Creation and Disable Service Account Key Creation. Documentation
Cloud Code for IntelliJ – dependency installer and Kubernetes language server: beta
Automatically install key Kubernetes dependencies, including Skaffold and kubectl, and get enhanced editing support, including the ability to highlight configuration errors, in all JetBrains IDEs for configuration files such as Cloud Build, Kustomize, and Kubernetes. Documentation | Documentation
AI Platform Notebooks – CMEK support for notebooks: beta
Use customer-managed encryption keys to encrypt the persistent disks on your notebook instances. Documentation
Cloud Life Sciences API: beta
Process, analyze, and annotate genomics and biomedical data at scale using containerized workflows with Cloud Life Sciences. Formerly known as Google Genomics, the platform is now available in the Iowa (us-central1) region, with other regions to follow soon. Documentation
Apigee Edge for Private Cloud 4.19.06: GA
Explore multiple usability, performance, security, and stability enhancements in the latest update. The extensive list of new features includes pluggable analytics and support for HTTP deployment and Cassandra racks. Product page | Documentation
GCP Marketplace – support for VMs with multiple network interface cards: GA
Configure multiple network interfaces with a user interface that integrates Compute Engine and GCP Marketplace and adds new Deployment Manager Autogen features to simplify and automate the creation of VMs with multiple network interface cards. Documentation
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