Google Cloud Newsletter, August 2019 | Get the Google Cloud cheat sheet

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Every Google Cloud product explained in four words or less.
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Google Cloud Cheat Code
Google Cloud and Hot Air Balloons
McKinsey study: Hybrid cloud delivers secure, fast, flexible development.
Read the study   
Google Cloud and Anthos
Bringing hybrid and multi-cloud to our APAC customers with Anthos.
Learn more   
AMD EPYC processors come to Google – and to Google Cloud.
Get the details   
Get native access to the full VMware stack on Google Cloud.
Run your workloads in the cloud that works best for you. Migrate to a VMware software-defined data center on GCP and run VMware vCenter, vSAN, and NSX-T on our secure, scalable, global cloud infrastructure.
Migrate, mesh, and find balance with Google Cloud infrastructure.
New updates let you migrate your Microsoft Azure VMs directly into Compute Engine, use service mesh with fully managed Traffic Director, and bring load balancing to legacy environments with a Layer 7 internal load balancer.
Anthos brings “burstability” to over 300 legacy apps for KeyBank.
KeyBank, a 190-year-old firm, uses Anthos to add portability and automation to mission-critical apps and ops – 95% of which run on VMware. Now they manage all containerized workloads in the GCP Console.
Beyond the map: How we build the maps that power your apps and business.
Learn how Google Maps Platform turns maps into apps – and app data into map data. Over 1 billion users, and companies like Lyft and Trulia, use it for reliable, accurate location-based services – and so can you.
New security advancements for users, data, and apps in the cloud.
Enroll security-sensitive users in the Advanced Protection Program, roll out Titan Security Keys in four new countries, use machine learning to detect risks in G Suite, and enable secure, single sign-on access to thousands of legacy apps.
Brick by brick: Learn GCP by setting up your very own Minecraft server.
What’s the best way to learn a new platform? Follow the lead of this solution architect and “hyper-over-engineer” your own Minecraft server.
Five frequently asked questions about Anthos.
Run unmodified apps on existing on-premises hardware – or in the public cloud – even if they’re not built to run on containers.
Find your answer to the eternal question: “Where should I run my apps on Google Cloud?”
App Engine? Kubernetes Engine? Cloud Run? Use these charts to explore hosting options, choose your use case, and quickly pinpoint the right environment.
NYC Cyber Command: Keeping New York City’s digital services more secure at massive scale with Google Cloud.
From the BeyondCorp security model to BigQuery and G Suite, the city’s cloud-first strategy powers data analysis – and daily management – of over 100 agencies.
Best practices for SAP app server autoscaling on GCP.
Optimize your VMs to match your workload cycle. Speed up task processing during busy times – and reduce costs when resources aren’t needed.
Configuring secure remote access for Compute Engine VMs.
Set up your VMs and APIs so they’re still accessible to system administrators, but not connected to the public internet.
VMworld 2019
VMworld 2019
August 25–29
Grace Hopper Celebration
Grace Hopper Celebration
October 1–4
See all upcoming events   
Listen on demand or join live Cloud OnAir webinars held weekly by Google Cloud experts.
Want free technical training on GCP fundamentals? Cloud OnBoard is coming to a city near you.
Check out the Cool Things of the Week and hear from Sherol Chen, machine learning and AI researcher, on the GCP Podcast.
Listen in to the Kubernetes Podcast to hear Ian Coldwater, lead platform security engineer at Heroku, discuss Kubernetes security.
The Week in Cloud
This Week in Cloud
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Margaret Hamilton by Moonlight
Margaret Hamilton by Moonlight: Honoring an Apollo 11 Icon
Play Video    Watch now
AI Hub
AI Hub: The One Place for Everything AI
Play Video    Learn more
  Just released a tiny tool called gcping that reports your latency to various GCP regions. It is inspired by but you can run it anywhere to see the latency between GCP regions or latency from non-GCP deployments.…
  I made a set of interactive "pickers" to help choose the Google Cloud Platform service or course of action you need, based on the handy decision trees from the platform site @GCPCloud and the GCP Flowcharts post by @grapesfrog #GCP #GoogleCloud
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