Google Cloud Newsletter, July 2019 | Twitter tests BigQuery.

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How BigQuery became “a main resource” for data at Twitter.
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Google Cloud
Twitter unlocks the power of BigQuery.
After 8,000 queries and nearly 100 PB processed, our serverless data warehouse became a main resource for data at Twitter.
Learn why
Elastifile and Google Cloud
Stretch your storage: Google acquires Elastifile enterprise cloud storage.
England's Football Association and Google Cloud
England’s Football Association uses Google Cloud to find the stars of the future.
Learn how   
Gartner and Google Cloud
Gartner names Google Cloud a leader in the lastest IaaS Magic Quadrant.
Get the report   
Break your own AI training records with Cloud TPU Pods.
Train your most demanding models in minutes instead of days on Cloud TPU Pods, the same infrastructure that made Google Cloud Platform the first public cloud provider to outperform on-premises systems in the latest MLPerf competition.
Special delivery: Deploy Spinnaker for GCP with just a couple of clicks.
Quickly extend your pipeline with Spinnaker for GCP, the open-source multi-cloud continuous delivery platform from Google and Netflix. With secure installation, automatic backups, and simplified maintenance, best practices are built in.
Cloud Spanner: Securely scaling 39 million Blockchain users.
Managing datasets and access to the cryptocurrency ecosystem for 39 million cross-platform users in 140 countries is no easy feat. Blockchain replaced its previous database layer and saved 30% in costs with Cloud Spanner.
Introducing Equiano, a subsea cable connecting South Africa to Portugal.
Equiano boosts connectivity to the African continent with 20 times more network capacity than the previous cable that served the region. Closer to home, we’re adding a new data center and Google Cloud region in Nevada.
Qubit says goodbye to Hadoop: How to build a streaming data processing pipeline on Google Cloud.
See how personalization software company Qubit uses tools like Cloud Pub/Sub and BigQuery to deliver real-time recommendations to their customers.
Newly integrated BigQuery and Kaggle let you use ML – without moving or downloading your data.
Execute superfast SQL queries – and train and analyze machine learning models in SQL – with Kernels, Kaggle’s free hosted Jupyter notebook environment.
To run or not to run a database on Kubernetes, that is the question.
Explore the pros and cons of Kubernetes for your data layer to see if it can deliver the same benefits as it does for your application layer.
New training: Architecting with Kubernetes Engine Specialization.
Master the fundamentals of hybrid cloud architectures and Kubernetes Engine with lectures and hands-on labs, and earn your certificate.
Migrate to GCP from another cloud provider – or an on-premises or private-hosting environment.
Plan, design, and implement the process of migrating your workloads to GCP and find patterns for connecting other cloud service providers with this new documentation.
Factor friction: What is the “Twelve-Factor App”? And what does it have to do with Cloud Run?
Step by step, Cloud Run can make it even easier for you to meet all 12 factors to scale, port, and maintain web-based software as a service.
Migrating Teradata to BigQuery: Introduction and overview.
Transition from an on-premises Teradata data warehouse – or any data warehouse – to BigQuery with these general concepts.
Google Cloud Next '19 Tokyo
Google Cloud Next ’19 Tokyo
July 30–August 1
VMworld 2019
VMworld 2019
August 25–29
Grace Hopper Celebration
Grace Hopper Celebration
October 1–4
See all upcoming events   
Listen on demand or join live Cloud OnAir webinars held weekly by Google Cloud experts.
Want free technical training on GCP fundamentals? Cloud OnBoard is coming to a city near you.
GCP Podcast
Check out the Cool Things of the Week – and hear a Google expert reveal how to analyze cryptocurrency transactions using GCP on the GCP Podcast.
Kubernetes Podcast
Listen in to the Kubernetes Podcast as scientists from CERN’s Large Hadron Collider recount using Kubernetes to reanalyze the data behind the discovery of the Higgs boson.
The Week in Cloud
This Week in Cloud
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Data & Storage
Google Cloud Platform Essentials: Platform Overview – Data & Storage
Play Video    Watch now
An interview with Maya Kaczorowski
Vulnerabilities in Kubernetes: An interview with Maya Kaczorowski
Play Video    Watch now
  Wish your ML models were less of a black box? You can now use the What-if Tool to evaluate models deployed on @GCPcloud

@bengiswex and I show you how --> …
  This is super dope! Run @code in @GCPcloud #CloudShell! …
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