Product updates | June 10, 2019

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A regular roundup of what’s new across Google Cloud Platform.
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Compute Engine – disabling and re-enabling proactive instance redistribution: beta
Proactive instance redistribution, which is enabled by default for regional managed instance groups, can now be disabled if you need to manually manage the number of instances in each zone. Documentation | Community post
Compute Engine – regional persistent disk sharing between multiple instances: beta
You can attach a single regional persistent disk to more than one VM instance in read-only mode, allowing you to share static data between multiple instances running in different zones. Sharing static data in this way is more cost effective than replicating it to unique disks for individual instances. Documentation
Kubernetes Engine – managed support for Stackdriver: GA
Stackdriver support is now automatically installed or updated when you select a Kubernetes Engine version and support option for your cluster. Options include support for Legacy Stackdriver or Stackdriver Kubernetes Engine Monitoring. You also have the option to decline this support. Documentation
Cloud Dataproc job logs in Stackdriver: beta
Cloud Dataproc stores job driver logs in Cloud Storage by default. With this release, you can also enable it to store them in Stackdriver Logging. Documentation
Cloud Firestore – collection group queries: GA
By default, queries retrieve results from a single collection in your database. With this release, you can instead run queries across a collection group, which consists of all collections with the same ID. Documentation
Cloud VPN – HA VPN: beta
With high-availability (HA) VPN, enterprises can connect their on-premises deployment to a GCP Virtual Private Cloud with an industry-leading SLA of 99.99% at general availability – and they can have a simpler setup compared to creating redundant VPNs. Documentation | Blog
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